My Holdings

Mind the emoticons. Not just the tickers.


First up, let me save you time if you are a Boglehead or “Index Investor”. You have no business reading this further. You are lazy. Precisely why you are an index investor. Yeah yeah, you don’t have time. You are a busy bee. Sure. Good luck. NGMI.

ApeCraft is for those who:

  • have the passion and enthusiasm to trade individual stocks

  • get a kick out of being right while having the humility to learn from mistakes

  • want control of their destiny and are serious about ‘making it’

  • wish to be an “overnight success” that was years in the making (IYKYK)

Now, about my promise of sharing what I do/own, not what I think or heard.

Here’s a grid capturing trends and ideas behind my holdings. I intend to keep this part slightly cryptic. Let’s see if you can match various tickers in my holdings list to the grid icons. It’s not homework. I’m not your teacher. Just a fun exercise, with a lesson or two?

Here’s my stock holdings list. In descending order of position size. In future, I may publish theses on some or all of these holdings.

  1. BYON (Thesis here) 🤩 

  2. BRLT 😍 

  3. MED 😅 

  4. STLA 🫠 

  5. LVO 🤣 

  6. XYZ 😍 

  7. ATKR ☺️ 

  8. REMX 🫥 

  9. PBF 🥲 

  10. LIT 😰 

  11. CROX (Thesis here) 🤩 

  12. CELH 🤩 

  13. PALL 🫠 

  14. ETSY 🙃 

  15. STAA ☺️ 

  16. BLNK 🙃 

  17. SLB 😴 

  18. PYPL ☺️ 

  19. CVS ☺️ 

  20. INTC ☺️ 

  21. GME 🎢 

  22. VITL 🥰 

  23. CRI 😋 

  24. TOST 🤓 

  25. PODC 🎁 

  26. AMCX 😁 

  27. IBKR 🎁 

  28. COTY ☺️ 

The emoticon next to the ticker summarises my current view on that ticker. I may publish a Legend for these emoticons in a separate post. But for now, interpret how you please! Remember, friend: every portfolio has Winners; Bags (‘unrealised loss’ leaders you hold coz you refuse to give up and are waiting to be proven right, LOL); Gifts (spinoff’s, bonus shares and so on) and Stupidity (you bought cluelessly, and even now you aren’t sure why you own it still). Full disclosure: I do own a good chunk of Stupidity!

I’ll publish a monthly update on my holdings with commentary around what I bought / sold (and why) and some updates either reinforcing or correcting previously shared opinions and insights.

Now you know. Pause and Reflect: what are you going to do about it? 🙃 

Choice is yours, my friend. The choice is always yours.

Anonymously Yours,


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